Nerd Nite 25: The Man, The Myth, The Money


On March 12th join us for Nerd Nite 25: The Man, The Myth, The Money where we will discuss the fictitious life of James Bond’s eating habits, cryptozoology and the mythical beasts that surround us, and the story of the bitcoin and other cryptocurrency.

Doors open at Pachamama’s Alton Ballroom at 7 pm and presentations start at 8 pm. $1 cover.

Presentations to include:

“Live and Let Dine: James Bond as an Effete Gourmet Assassin”
By Tom Weiss

Will the real James Bond please stand up! Is he the martini-swilling, car-crazy,womanizing super spy depicted in the movies, or an effete gourmet assassin as suggested in the novels? The answer may lie in the Bond Matrix, a large data base that contains savory details about the 500 dining experiences that the secret agent had or dreamed of having in the Bond novels. This presentation will be the first release of information from this data base. You may never see James Bond in the same light again.

Tom gave up a possibly lucrative career as a professional golfer and turned down a job in Dayton, OH in order to get a PhD in Economics. He taught at KU for nearly 40 years, where he did the usual path-breaking, seminal work that was expected. Perhaps his greatest innovation was the introduction of Powerpoint in the Presidential addresses of the Economic History Association. His research ran the gamut from economic growth in colonial North America, to industrialization in the slave South, the growth of service industries in the 19th century, and – in preparation for retirement – the economic history of tourism. None of these has anything to do with his work on James Bond’s dining history.

“Snipe Hunt: Cryptozoological Creatures and the Stories They Tell”
By Kent Smith and Matthew Lord

Sasquatch. Chupacabra. Nessie. Do these clandestine beasts exist in the physical world, or only in the recesses off our imagination? Though substantial evidence proves lacking, anecdotal accounts about these elusive creatures is available in droves. The mission of SNIPE HUNT, (Society of the Never-ending Inquest to Prove Existence and Hopefully Uncover Non-typical Terrestrials), is to explore the numerous reports of the many enigmatic creatures around the world and the cryptic phenomena that surround them. SNIPE HUNT founders Matthew Lord and Kent Smith will be sharing their knowledge in the field of Cryptozoology and the challenge of finding mystery in an ever-shrinking world.

Kent Smith is an illustrator, designer and all-around artist extraordinaire. A graduate of the University of Kansas with a BFA in illustration and design, Kent gets to spend his time making pictures—something he celebrates daily. Kent’s artwork is chock-full of humor and personality. Kent loves robots, ninjas, super-heroes, monkeys, ray-guns and romance.

Matthew Lord graduated with a BFA in illustration from the University of Kansas and is an illustrator/designer and fine artist. Matt’s artwork tilts toward the absurd, with a healthy dose of pop culture critique. He strives to tell a well-constructed story with his artwork, using the panel as his delivery device. Matt’s influences are drawn from a youth saturated with comic books and toy commercials.

“Cryptocurrencies and Bitcoin: Such money. Very technology. So future. Wow”
By Caleb Chin

Bitcoin, one of the hottest topics in technology and the financial world, is an innovative digital creation that is as fascinating as it is volatile. Whether you hate it, love it, or don’t know anything about it, more and more people across the world are accepting bitcoins. So what exactly is it? How does it work? Is it just a fad or is it the real deal?

Caleb Chin is an undergraduate senior at KU who was first introduced to Bitcoin in 2012 by a techie friend, back when it was considered nothing more than “gold for nerds”. Caleb follows cryptocurrency news and markets to trade Bitcoin with other currencies, both crypto and non-crypto, dollar or Dogecoin. He is the founder and president of the local Bitcoin Club.

Nerd Nite 24: (What’s so Nerdy about) Sex, Love, and Understanding


Nerd Nite 24 will take place on February 12th, just in time to talk about Valentine’s Day topics. We are also pairing with Read Across Lawrence for our first presentation.

On February 12th at Pachamama’s Alton Ballroom (doors at 7 pm, presentations at 8 pm) the topics will be:

Stephanie Scurto
“The Myth of White Picket Fences: The American dream confronted in Housekeeping by Marilynne Robinson.”

Bio and description coming soon!

Gina L. Egan, PhD
“No Means No: Shining light on violence against women and how hope and healing persevere.”

One Billion Women on this planet will be raped or beaten in her lifetime! That is 1 in 3 women! This statistic is alarming and the fact that it is true is not acceptable. Violence against women is not a “women’s issue”; it is a HUMAN issue. It affects women and men, girls and boys. It is time to end it, but what can we possibly do? V-Day is a global movement dedicated to ending violence against women and girls locally and globally. Gina will explore this issue and show what V-Day is doing in the effort to end this violence.

Gina is a new activist and feminist (still trying to be ok with this label) but has jumped in with both feet in the past year or so. Her passion comes from a newly-nurtured but deep-rooted belief that everything and everyone on this planet is connected and should be valued. It is from this place that she finds incentive to be a new board member of the United Nations Association of Greater Kansas City, a co-chair of the Women’s affinity group of the UNA-GKC, producer of the annual V-Day event and its auxiliary event One Billion Rising at JCCC, co-organizer of the one day conference at JCCC “Local Peacebuilding: Lessons from Uganda,” and speaker on the issue of violence against women and the V-Day movement. And now for something completely different: Gina is an Assistant Professor of Science at Johnson County Community College, and she earned her PhD in chemistry from The Pennsylvania State University in 2001. She also was a forensic chemist for the FBI Laboratory Division in Quantico, VA, but that just feels like a past life now.

Mike Anderson
“Idioms, currencies, and fantasies: An exploration into the tenants of relational satisfaction”

The world is full of popular myths about what makes romantic relationships work. The goal of this presentation is to help seperate fact from fiction in the realm of relational satisfaction. Citing both quantitative and qualitative studies, this presentation will provide the listener with the most up-to date research on how to increase both relational and sexual satisfaction in their romantic relationships. While there is no magic pill or equation to a successful relationship, research has shown several commonalities that seperate the successful relationships from the unsuccessful. With topics ranging from nicknames to sexual fantasies, every listener will go home with several ideas on how to better enhance and maintain their current or future romantic relationships.

Mike Anderson received both his Masters and Ph.D. from the University of Kansas in the Communication Studies department. Mike’s emphasis was on sexual communication and taboo topics in romantic relationships. Mike’s dissertation focused on the role of sexual fantasies in the realm of both relational and sexual satisfaction in romantic couples. He obtained 500 sexual fantasies for this project. Mike’s work has appeared in newspapers, magazines, academic books, and peer-reviewed journals. His most recent work on the communication of past sexual experiences in romantic relationships was published in the Journal of Sex Research. At KU Mike taught classes in public speaking, persuasive speaking, problem solving in teams and groups, behavioral research methods, and relational communication. Currently, Mike is the host of the Not So Late Show, a late night talk show on WOW’s Channel 6. The show has received several awards, and in 2012 Mike was named “The Most Interesting Character in Small Town America” by Readers Digest.

Nerd Nite 23: Cracking Cultural Codes

We’re back! A new year brings lots of new knowledge from fellow nerds!

Join us for our first event of 2014 on January 15th at Pachamama’s Alton Ballroom. As always doors open at 7 pm and presentations start at 8 pm.

At NN 23: Cracking Cultural Codes we will explore myths surrounding dieting, video game culture, and solving the Soma puzzle! Our presenters this month are:

Josh Feldman:
“Power-ups and ammo crates, or how I saved the World today: the allure of modern video games and how this fringe cultural phenomenon turned into a titan of the entertainment industry”

To the average person, video games fall somewhere between D&D and Sudoku on the cultural spectrum; at best, they are seen as entertaining diversions, and at worst they are viewed with scorn and fear as the progenitors of violence and moral depravity. The purpose of this talk is to shed some light on how gamers view themselves and their culture, and show non-gamers how video games have changed since Mario, and explore how these changes have made games such a cultural powerhouse.

Josh through he’d basically grown out of video game addiction in college, but as it turns out he was wrong. He now spends his days managing a geology lab at KU and his nights trying to be as productive as he can before succumbing to the siren call of his favorite game.

Kate Lambourne:

“Dieting Myths and Big Fat Lies”

Description and bio coming soon.

John Brewer:
“From Heisenberg to Parker Brothers: Cracking the Soma Treasure Map”

How a seven piece cube ate my life. A puzzle nerd comes out of the closet to reveal 35 years of research into his favorite obsession.

John Brewer has been writing computer manuals, composing music, folding paper, and cooking for his family for the last 38 years. He also loves long-distance walking, teaching himself Italian, and drinking box wine.

End of the Year Survey!

There’s been a lot going on at Nerd Nite this year… Lots of wonderful presentations, Pachamama’s awesome event space, live action performances, and three new co-bosses! We want to keep Nerd Nite great for 2014 so we are asking for your help in filling out this short survey about Nerd Nite. You can find the survey here

Thanks for your help and for a great year!

Nerd Nite 22: Ready to Rumble


For this month’s Nerd Nite on November 13th we will have two presentations about fake fighting and one about the real fight to save the Prairie Chicken. So jump into the ring at the Alton Ballroom at Pachamamas Restaurant and Star Bar!

Doors at 7:00, presentations at 8:00. $1 cover.

Presentations include:

Handlers, Heels, and Ham-and-Eggers: The Supporting Characters of Wrestling Kayfabe
by Peter Lyrene

“Handlers, Heels, & Ham-and-Eggers” is a presentation on the ring-side supporting characters of professional wrestling’s golden age, as well as an exploration of wrestling kayfabe– the portrayal of written rivalries and staged events as absolute truth– and the extreme lengths to which these outlandish figures will go to avoid breaking character… no matter how ridiculous the “character” may be.

Peter Lyrene is a freelance writer and stand-up comic. He hosts Comedy Freakout at Frank’s North Star Tavern, and has contributed to, The Not So Late Show, and KJHK. He was raised by comic books and television.

The Quest to Rescue the King of the Plains: How to Really Save the Prairie Chicken
by Paul Dietz

Paul Dietz is a polynerd energy economist who craves the great outdoors, liberal arts, science, and math. He’s happiest when he experiences all of them simultaneously while engaging in activities like helping to save the prairie chicken. A Lawrencian by choice, Paul doesn’t think social intercourse is a dirty as it sounds and enjoys being a shameless flaneur.

Dagorhir: From Serf to Iron Chancellor
by Elwood Schaad

Dagorhir is a nationally organized full-contact Medieval combat sport, using safely padded weapons to simulate a variety of fighting styles. Elwood has been participating for a year and a half. He is currently Administrator for the Realm of Emberfeld, Lawrence’s regional chapter.

Elwood is a nerd about many things, but professionally he is a nerd about food, having worked in fine dining for over a decade. In his free time he plays any kind of game and enjoys every type of movie.

want to be the (co)boss?

Nerd Nite – Lawrence is on the hunt for a new co-boss.

the co-boss will recruit speakers, help speakers craft their presentations, and organize the monthly events along with others.

you must be
– committed to educating and entertaining the public consistent with the Nerd Nite global mission (
– eager to do the detailed planning work that make the nites work smoothly (sometimes smoothly!) and
– be comfortable presenting in front of crowds of adoring, local nerds

email travis at if you’re interested!

Nerd Nite 21: Nerds to Know (And Who You Likely Don’t)



At this month’s Nerd Nite we will take a look at some famous nerds in the art and literature world that it is very likely many people have never heard of.

Wednesday, October 9.

Pachamama’s Alton Ballroom

Doors at 7 pm, presentations at 8 pm

NEW THIS MONTH: $1 cover.


Rob Schulte: “This Family Is Cursed: a look into the familial plays of Sam Shepard.”

Once Sam Shepard evolved past his experimental plays, he dove directly into the home of the American f

amily. Using the idea of the downfall of the American Dream for the better part of 20 years, this is arguably the most intricate part of his career. Rob Schulte is a
graduate of KU with a degree in Theatre Arts. Shepard’s work clicked with Schulte once he was cast in the role as “The Old Man” in Fool For Love, and since then he has directed The God of Hell and The Tooth Of Crime (both Shepard plays) at non-traditional venues. Currently Schulte is working on directing Curse Of The Starving Class… if there’s a venue that will have him.


Meredith Moore: “William Morris: the unwitting forefather of hobbits, socialists and modern hipsters, not excluding Meredith”

Meredith Moore is a Kansas native, owner of the Wonder Fair Gallery in downtown Lawrence, KS, and is not affiliated with any book clubs. Other cabalistic nerd subcultures to which Meredith has belonged include Graduate School and the Secret Order of the Black Diamond. Most recently, Meredith has gleefully abandoned her formal Art History studies at KU in order to pursue

and promote alternative approaches to socially-minded arts organizing.


Jon Kaleugher: “The Zenith of Lounging: the story of Ray and Charles Eames”

“Ray is my wife, not my brother.” Charles once said.
They never delegated understanding in their decades of continuous work.
He was an architect who never got his license and she was a painter who never lost her eye.
The rest is history.

Nerd Nite 20: The Nerdy Dirty Thirties


After taking August off, we’re back in September, and this month, we’re part of Read Across Lawrence! The presentations will relate to the Dust Bowl (aka The Dirty Thirties), the subject of this year’s Read Across Lawrence book, Timothy Egan’s The Worst Hard Time.

NN20-flyerWe will be selling our special Nerd Nite pint glasses. Buy a glass and use it for any beer or cocktails from the bar!

Also, we’re going to have a raffle! because, RAFFLES! details soon!

Wednesday, Sept 11
Doors at 7PM, Presentations at 8PM
The Alton Ballroom at Pachamama’s (8th and New Hampshire)


From one-ways to listers: The agricultural equipment that helped usher in the Dust Bowl by Beth Beavers

Considering her fascination with early American history (her dog’s name is Thomas Jefferson) and stern criticism of everything ever, it really shouldn’t have come as a surprise when Beth started her career fresh out of journalism school as a magazine editor who deals with history. The big surprise was that a girl from the suburbs fully embraced rural America by jumping head first into her position at Farm Collector and Gas Engine Magazine, magazines for collectors of antique farm equipment. (A segment of the population she wasn’t aware existed.) Three years later, she can happily jabber on about everything from 3-point hitches, the difference between swathers and combines, and farm practices of yesteryear that kept the world fed.

You Need a Continent Against Your Feet:’ The Dust Bowl and Eroded America by Kate Meyer

In the second half of the 1930s, the eroded landscape emerged as a subject that artists, writers, and scientists utilized to convey their anxieties about the current problems and uncertain future of America during the Depression. The loss of soil and the exodus of Dust Bowl migrants described in imagery and rhetoric from the period reveal the extent to which America was rooted in its imperiled Heartland. Kate will explore these themes, drawing upon her cred as an art historian and Kansas native, and promises to divulge just what the Dust Bowl has to do with Gone with the Wind and The Wizard of Oz.

The Politics of Hard Times: American Populism and its Kansas Roots by Luke Wuhlford

Throughout American history, severe economic downturns have drawn out a strain of political thought that merely simmers below the surface during periods of prosperity. Indeed, populist movements have enjoyed their greatest success in American politics during the hardest of economic times. Although populism is an amorphous label that can be affixed to movements on both the right and left side of the political spectrum, the term populism is defined generally as a political movement that champions the common person against an elite and unfairly privileged ruling class. Despite its current conservative bent, Kansas can fairly be viewed as the cradle for some of the most progressive populist reform movements in American history. This presentation will provide a brief history of Kansas’ contribution to these movements, spanning from the Kansas Populists of the 1890’s to recent populist reform movements.

Luke Wohlford was born and raised in Kansas and he has lived in Lawrence for much of the last 12 years. He received his undergraduate degree in political science and his law degree from KU. Luke practices law in Topeka, and he spends his free time following KU sports, going to concerts, and consuming movies, literature and politics.

To RSVP on Facebook, click here.

Nerd Nite 19: Summer Shorts

it’s the heat of summer and we could all use a little break. So, on July 10, we’re trying something a little different. We’re ditching our normal format. Instead, we’ll have fifteen two minute presentations. Topics will range from famous authors to famous generals to famous librarians to some non-famous things too. This should be fun.

and, wear your shorts!

July 10. Alton Ballroom at Pachamama’s (8th and NH).
Doors at 7:00, Presentations at 8:00





Nerd Nite 18: garbage, boobs and hot sauce

Nerd Nite 18 will be messy, spicy and leave you needing a napkin.

Wednesday, June 12 at the Alton Ballroom (8th and NH)

Doors at 7, Presentations at 8.

RSVP on Facebook


Garbage 101: Everything you never knew about your own stinking garbage by Shelly McNerney

discussing the archaeology of garbage

Shelly’s flirted with the idea of being a nerd for years- whether working as a house painter (just an excuse to listen to NPR all day), teaching high school English (really just a blatant way to get paid for finding tricky symbolism in classic novels), or biding her time in various degree programs (she just likes hanging out in coffee shops).  It wasn’t until she began working as a high school librarian three years ago that she finally found a job that truly appreciates her big, beautiful, nerdy brain.  Regarding hers presentation, Shelly acknowledges that she isn’t a “classically” trained garbologist, but she’ll be making up for this deficiency with her abilities to read and take careful notes (and she may even bust out notecards!  Look for them!)

Oggles and Goggles: Viewing KU Boobs Through Feminism’s Many Lenses by Rachel Smalter Hall

On February 25, 2012, a mysterious twitter photo surfaced tagged #kuboobs. More than a year later, the KU Boobs trend has swept colleges and universities nationwide in an astonishing trend that has been labelled both anti- and pro-feminist. From the Huffington Post to to Italy’s La Stampa, journalists are asking: is KU Boobs a tacit endorsement of rape culture? Or is it an empowering expression of 21st century Choice Feminism? Join one third wave feminist as she seeks to make sense of what KU Boobs means for feminism and why strong, smart, powerful women are broadcasting PG-13 selfies of their breasts in support of college basketball.

Rachel Smalter Hall is a public librarian and web developer whose feminist consciousness was first awakened as a tween when she snuck into her older sister’s secret stash of Cosmo magazines. These days she is a full grown third wave feminist, thanks in part to the small liberal arts college in St. Paul, MN, that fostered her feminist ideals under the guise of Hitchcock studies and gender theory. After living in Iowa, Minnesota, Vermont, and Rome, Rachel now lives in Lawrence Fucking Kansas where she’s a web content developer at nearby Johnson County Library and a regular contributor at When she’s not fulfilling her duties as a librarian, she can be found drinking PBR and spewing drunken edicts about third wave feminism with her co-ed book club. (She blames her curious affiliation with KU Boobs on local culture junket The Larryville Chronicles. It’s all Chip’s fault.)

Tabasco is for wimps. Welcome to the world of extreme hot sauce by Kevin Freese

Tabasco is a nice and cute, but this popular sauce is nothing compared to the hottest and nastiest sauces out there. This presentation will highlight those extreme sauces, how they came to be and how hot they can really be.

Kevin gave one of the most popular Nerd Nite presentations ever, clear back at Nerd Nite 2, on Scotch Whisky. He is a banker by day, and a hot sauce and scotch connoisseur by night, and also day.