“Nerd Nite #99: Game On!” is here!
Grab a drink, socialize and get your Nerd on! Thrilling raffle prizes! Challenging trivia! Engaging Presentations! Join us at Maceli’s in the banquet room (to the right when you first walk-in) for a delightfully square time!
Doors at 7:30 pm, talks begin at 8pm, $1.00 cover at Maceli’s 1031 New Hampshire
Our presentations:
“Fatal Error! Code: 1983 – The Video Game Market Crash”: Bree Shaffar
How did video games get their start? How did Atari fly too close to the sun in the 80s? What actually happened to all those ET cartridges? These questions and more will be answered in this crash course (pun intended) on the video game market crash of 1983.
“Table Top Role Playing: How to Get Started in Community Publishing” by RPG Elise
Have you ever wanted to design and publish your own TTRPG? Interested in learning about publishing through community content sites such as Drive Thru RPG, DM’s Guild, or Pathfinder Infinite? Published author RPG Elise will discuss how you can get started in community publishing. She will discuss everything from accessing templates and style guides to design resources to help you on your path toward game design.
“What are Flowers For?” by Jacob Canyon
Botany and the coevolution of angiosperms and modern animals
Our Presenters:
Bree Shaffar is a software developer who has lived in Lawrence since 2015. She has always had an interest in video game history and design, especially in how the technology has changed over the past six decades and how the medium has grown into a unique style of storytelling.
RPG Elise is an Ennie nominated writer for the DM’s Guild and DriveThruRPG and the project lead of the Through The Veil Feywild series, Sea Shanties: A Bardic Guide, and Tartarus: Journey into the Underworld (D&D5e). Elise has freelanced for Wizards of the Coast and is a contributing author of best sellers such as Uncaged, Blackstaff’s Book of Bloodlines, Incredible Creatures, and The Great Dale Campaign Guide. She is published on HitRecord and a contributor to the Emmy-winning Create Together series. She is a founding member of Chuck Palahniuk’s Plot Spoiler.
Jacob Canyon is an overeducated gardener. He works in conservation and sustainable agriculture.